Monday, October 29, 2007

Successful People

I thought I am an ambitious type creature and always make a move from one step to the next. For example, if I succeed encourage my son learned piano, I also wishing saw him succeed to play it better.

In essence, my brain always hunger for positive pickings. To every thing which I do, I wish always succeed.

That’s possible cause, why I aspired to pay attention for successful people and their experience life. They all have represented my inspiration.

I have met with this special people, their characters were very inspiring:

If walking their upraised their shoulder with a staring diametrical gaze.

If sitting, their upright the body position, as they assume the sofa was insufficient enough to accept the entire body weight.

They have also never said, “I cannot or I surrender”.

I have been long enough thought of, there was ought to an explanation, how could this people differ from another? The answer might just its simple, they have learnt from retreating and mistake only challenge. Failure is not mistake, but mistake if you not learn from a failure.

-- Evi