Saturday, October 27, 2007

Building an Agents System

Forming agents in product distribution represent one of leverage form, most commonly conducted by many company to take a short distance cut for their market goals or its consumers.

Agents system is also potential, as one of the way to jack up sales income, especially for goods consumer products category. Its meaning more wide geographical coverage, more market goals will be netted .

Developing the system is not cheap case. But have some agent in a few region , must not merely big company privileges. Small company with product which have established in quality, production continuity , packing tidiness, also can develop its own distribution system.

Criterion directing agents usually like this :

1. After region mapping, specifying the sales goals.
2. Do having influence in the area.
3. Having minimum 2 year experience of product distribution in its areas.
4. Having minimum an unit sales force.
5. In form of legal body
6. Obliged to give bank warranty according to goals
7. Having administrative personnel
8. Having warehouse
9. Having over turn 2 X from sales goals

Conditions above not be compatible entirely or needed by small scale business product. But to continue to go forward, phase like that must be done.

-- Evi